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Migraine Treatments

Those who suffer with regular migraines know all too well the impact they have on daily life. They make planning difficult, can put you off work for some time, and the pain is unbearable.

Botox injections work by relaxing the muscle and preventing strain. While it is regularly used to treat wrinkles and lines, it can also be adopted to ease and prevent migraines.

We advise all migraine sufferers to visit their GP beforehand to ensure Botox treatment for migraines is safe in their particular case, but by administering small doses of the solution, our aesthetic Nurse Practitioner Karen Bates can alleviate some of the tension and pain built up in the affected area.

Treatment sessions are usually spaced out every 3-4 months, and it is important to check with your GP about any medication you are taking. Most patients who undergo treatment notice a big difference within the first 48 hours after their session, and we can adjust the treatment plan accordingly, should you feel you require a higher dosage.

In order to develop a bespoke treatment plan, just for you, Karen requires an initial consultation to go through treatment possibilities and what would be the best route for you. Karen will be able to set out what is realistically achievable through treatment, and will also be able to answer any in-depth questions you may have.

For more information about the treatments available at My Face Aesthetics Bolton Clinic, please enquire here . Alternatively, speak to a member of staff on 07968 781704, and we will be able to guide you and assist with your booking.

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typical botox treatment areas on the face

07968 781704
Q & A about Botox Treatments

Frown lines - Winkles - Forehead Furrows - Crows Feet - Bunny Lines (Nose) - Excessive Sweating - Migraines

Botox works by weakening the muscles into which it is injected. As facial muscles contract, the loose skin above those muscles wrinkles. By weakening the muscles, the wrinkles are reduced

Botox is very safe when injected by experienced physicians. Although its active ingredient is a neurotoxin, the small amounts used in Botox injections make more serious side effects virtually non-existent. Some people can develop eyelid drooping that lasts up to three weeks. This usually is caused by Botox moving to unwanted areas, affecting the wrong muscles, and is often a result of the patient rubbing the injection sites..

No. Results will vary, but results typically last from four to six months. At that point, when wrinkles begin to reappear, another Botox session will be needed. Lines and wrinkles often appear less severe over time because the muscles are being trained to relax and stop contracting..